So Emma and I have gotten up the last few mornings to do the hour long P90X videos. It's been fun to get my body moving in the morning and I always love spending time with Emma, however I never suspected I could be in this much pain! I survived ESOAL twice, ran a half marathon, finished a TM triathalon and yet I'm not sure I've been in this much pain! Yesterday I didn't really feel it all day until I tried to erase the board at BSF. All of sudden, I realized I couldn't put my hands over my head. The entire concept of P90X in that you spend 6 days a week, for a two week period working out a different part of your body every day. After those 2 weeks, you repeat all the videos again for a total of 90 days. So the way I understand it is that withing a 2 week period, EVERY SINGLE part of my body that could potentially hurt, will. Today the guy on the video with one leg was doing better than us but hopefully as we stick with it, we won't be in as much pain and don't be embarrassed to watch ourselves try to do the different moves.
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