Here are a few pictures from last night.
Even being here though, as beautiful as it is, doesn't make me want to move to Florida. It's wonderful to visit but at this stage in my life, I just love Texas way too much to move.
I had the thought that it might be good to make a list of the top 10 reasons I love Texas so much and hand it to anyone who asks me! So here's my list:
10. Everything in Texas blooms twice a year so you get to enjoy your flowers twice a year!
9. It has the best TexMex food around given that it's named after Texas!
8. People don't really stare at you if you go out in public with a cowboy hat and cowboy boots on.
7. The grocery stores and Dairy Queen play Christian music.
6. I can buy a dozen roses for $2 on the side of the road!
5. The water in the lakes feels like bathwater in the summer and normal temps in the winter so you can swim all year round (only recommended if you're from the North and have a different opinion on water temps).
4. My house being hidden in the trees feeling like a slice of heaven saved on earth for me to enjoy!As well as the sunsets and sky! They're definitely bigger in Texas!
3. My church and the kids I serve every other week in Kingdom Kids
2. BSF, the ladies there who so inspire me and have become like Texan mothers to me including teaching me to knit (not sure BSF of course)!
1. All the incredible people in my life that I love and enjoy living my life with!
Glad to hear you're enjoying your time there....and that you aren't inclined to move there!!! :) Miss you!